The Light, the Thunder, and the Rain. But mostly the Light. A Pilgrim’s Odyssey is your daily dose of hope navigating family, faith, and living free. Silouan Green, The Pilgrim’s Odyssey host, began to find his own answers after a tragic jet crash on an epic 23-month, over 20,000 mile motorcycle trip. Since then, he has taught thousands to take positive action in facing the trials and traumas of life. Life is complicated. Where are you going?

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Freedom In The Root Cellar
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
I can remember having a root cellar when I was little. They were cold, damp, mysterious places, near the end of modern usefulness. But lately, I’ve been thinking about the freedom of root cellars and many other things we've lost.
Reading Lara Ingalls Wilder’s Farmboy, it is remarkable how resourceful and independent people that lived not really that long ago were. The hub of their year around nourishment and self-sufficiency, the root cellar.
Talk about self-sufficiency. All this talk of modern homesteading, solar panels, generators, etc. and all you really need is a water source and a root cellar.
Technology can enslave us, but it can give us access to so much knowledge to truly live free using the best of the old and the new.

Monday Jul 20, 2020
Six Feet of Separation
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
The 3-foot (WHO) and 6-foot (CDC) rule came from studies done in the 30s, and by the way, that is the safe zone if you aren’t wearing masks and people cover up theirs noses and mouth with an elbow when they sneeze. With masks, who knows how small it goes. Or do they know?
The six - feet that separates us is making people angry and scared. What happens when people getting paid to stay home stop getting paid? What happens when enhanced unemployment benefits stop on August 1st. What happens when the government can’t keep printing money because inflation has kicked in? What happens when with or without masks the virus still spreads, and yet people keep dying at a very low rate. About 99.97% of people who get it eventually are fine by any numbers you look it. How will attitudes on both sides change?
Whatever your side, whatever your belief, a fight for personal freedom is coming. You might have been pro-british back in the day, many colonists were, but you couldn’t deny that a reckoning was coming. We are about to revisit history.

Friday Jul 17, 2020
Personal Freedom and The Elite Evil of Einsatzgruppen Death Squads
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
I’ve been watching Netflix documentary, Einsatzgruppen – The Nazi Death Squads. It investigates the units created by Hitler to exterminate Jews, Romanians, and Soviet prisoners in Eastern Europe.
It is a stark reminder to never be afraid to ask questions of the elite and those who lead us. When we wait, it’s often too late and we are complicit.
It also shows the power of the mob. Righteous anger can be turned into unrighteous killing in a blink of the eye.

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Beware The Triple Mask
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
I saw a couple in the airport triple-masked, literally two cloth masks worn simultaneously with a plastic shield. Of course, it couldn't stifle their phone addiction and they began to look like laboratory experimental rats as they constantly lifted up the shield with one hand and manipulated their phone with other.
This is what we are becoming. However we got here, there is no turning back and there will be consequences.

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Into Our Souls at Riverwalk, Reno, NV
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
The Truckee river winds its way through the middle of Reno, NV. It’s a bolder lined freeway of gurgling water made for fun.
Here I found incredible beauty, yet, incredible sadness. Tragedy even, sleeping next to a true work of nature.
Small things we do everyday to live fully human and spirit filled can seem insignificant. But they are not. I truly believe these are victories in some kind of cosmic war for the soul of mankind. Will we sleep in the grass like animals, take drugs to cloud our minds, or will we enter the water to find something wonderful, to find grace.

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Managing The Time to Pray - Beginning to Pray series
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Modern life is always about going somewhere, what is next, where do I have to be? That is a horrible mindset for prayer. We must learn to let prayer establish itself in the present. It is not necessarily where we are going, it is where we are right now. It’s like a walk on a beach while on vacation. We aren't as worried about where we are going, as we are focused on the walk itself. We are in the present moment. That is where we want our prayer to be.
In a way, mastering time is mastering prayer. If we can center our day around even 5 minutes of prayer, all the rest falls into order. Temporal and worldly things become less stressful and less overwhelming.
You see, prayer isn’t really about us knocking. It’s about our Lord who is knocking on our door all the time and we just don’t listen. We don’t make time, and we don’t create the space for real prayer in our lives.

Monday Jul 13, 2020
Going Inward, Giving Your Blood - Beginning to Pray
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
There are spontaneous prayers that gush from our soul, short intense prayers like the Jesus prayer, and what we may call "ready-made prayers", those from a prayer book, for instance. They all have their place. We use them to create soil ready for God’s Holy Spirit to grow within us.
The Ancient writers said, “Give your blood and God will give you the spirit.”
That is the price, everything. Use every prayer tool in your arsenal to bleed. Let your soul bleed and God will give you the spirit.

Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Knocking On The Door - Beginning to Pray
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Today, we are going deeper. Like any good relationship, prayer should become deeper and more substantive as we progress. We should be ready to keep knocking, so to speak.
Prayer is an increasing progression, from depth to depth, from height to height. What primarily keeps us from this? Well, our possessions. All those things that distract us from God. Including our imagination, the distractions of our mind. How do overcome them, and focus on God?

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Understanding The Absence of God - Beginning to Pray
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
My ego destroys me. Humility grounds me and lets me grow.
You see, there is a turning to God, and then there is a submitting to God. The 1st gives us the opportunity to do the 2nd.
“Learn to be like this before God; abandoned, surrendered, ready to receive anything from people and anything from God.” Bishop Anthony Bloom

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Are You Willing To Despair - Beginning To Pray
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
We work so hard to avoid despair. Most of our prayers are to avoid despair. We build lives of comfort to keep us from despair. In doing so, we never allow ourselves to fully lean on him.
Sometimes though, I just give up. My despair crushes me and takes the wind out of my soul. In these moments if I allow myself to pray, to read scripture, my emptiness allows something in that was shut out by my relentless drive for control, to do things myself. I discover that I’m not alone.
As Anthony Bloom said, "
“God Helps us when there is no one else to help. God is there at the point of greatest tension, at the breaking point, at the center of the storm. In a way despair is at the center of things – if only we are prepared to go through it.”
“The day when God is absent, when He is silent – that is the beginning of prayer. Not when we have a lot to say. ”