The Light, the Thunder, and the Rain. But mostly the Light. A Pilgrim’s Odyssey is your daily dose of hope navigating family, faith, and living free. Silouan Green, The Pilgrim’s Odyssey host, began to find his own answers after a tragic jet crash on an epic 23-month, over 20,000 mile motorcycle trip. Since then, he has taught thousands to take positive action in facing the trials and traumas of life. Life is complicated. Where are you going?

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Family And Adventure
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
My children love the stories of Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, and Simon Kenton – pioneers at the dawning of America. Two things stand out to me whenever we read these books – family and adventure. They are intertwined.
Family was a ballast of strength, a bastion of peace. After tough times on the trail, family reminded them why it was worth it and who it all was for. Home was the reward for the effort of their risk and labors.
Family and Adventure make life focused and deeply meaningful. Each day is a necessity.
My wife and I have a large family, 9 children, 3 to 21. It is not easy. It can beat you down. But it never lets you forget what is most important in life.

Monday Aug 17, 2020
An Affirmation From The Outer Banks
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
We hear so much about what people are against. Ill will is a cancer. So today, I’m starting the week by doing nothing but affirming what I am for. Considering I'm enjoying a weekend at the Outer Banks with my love, thankfully, it won't be hard.
What do you believe? We don’t have to agree. But if we can move forward and focus on our beliefs and what we can control, we might just find more in common, along with creative ways to get along.
And if we don’t? Well, I’m prepared for that to!? “With a wink”

Friday Aug 14, 2020
CS Lewis on Christians and Mammon
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Little known, CS Lewis exchanged a series of letters, written in Latin, with a priest in the 1950s on Europe's fall from its Christian faith. His words are a prophecy for our world today.
His solution was simple, live your faith, do not worship the God of Mammon, but the God of the Holy Spirit. If we don't, those that call us hypocrites are probably correct.
Strong, but important words on making a difference and living our faith in a world on fire.

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
MV Conception Disaster: Finding Hope is Intentional
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Hope in intentional.
In a time of isolation and loneliness, we must use the power of community and relationship to steer people from fear to hope.
Today, we discuss a training I just did with the National Park Service on overcoming trauma. On September 2nd, they will remember one of the greatest disasters in the history of the NPS, the MV Conception disaster. 34 lives were lost and scores more impacted forever.

Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Are You Mad Yet? You Better Be!
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Learned today of a business in Downtown Indianapolis forced to close after 30 years of business. We discuss in today's podcast. It better make you mad.

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
The MGM Grand is Not So Grand
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
“Spiritual forces of evil”
I thought about this today in my leadership class here in Las Vegas. One officer shared a story on the public acceptance of human trafficking. She was invited to a party at a high-end club in the MGM grand. A wild rave with beautiful people and lots of money. She stood in the back, uncomfortable, only there to support a friends wedding party. A back door opened and a bouncer pushed her out of the way. In filed a long line of prostitutes. Beautiful prostitutes, young and exotic. They were headed upstairs to the VIP room. A den of iniquity for the high-rollers and famous.
These girls start young. Usually trafficked, they are treated like slaves until they know no other way. Many come from overseas. It is the selling of flesh. And it’s normal. It’s all around us.
Evil is real and it masquerades as light. This in the danger of exploring other dimensions without the armor of prayer. The light you see might just be the evil that will consume your soul, and the drugs you take to enter that realm hide the reality of what you are experiencing.
Yes, evil is real. Your prayer and humility must be equally real and deep.

Monday Aug 10, 2020
Don Juan, Father Sergios, and The Way of The Spirit
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Who would have thought that a book on the teachings of a mystical Indian sorcerer and the patient guidance of a priest could take me to a place where the stillness of the night became a fertile dimension of prayer.
The world is far deeper than the physical we can see and touch. Prayer allows us to escape these limitations and understand parts of the Bible like Ephesians 6 in ways we could have never imagined.

Friday Aug 07, 2020
The Crucible of Life, The Rebellion of the Spirit
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
We are called to live deeply. To leave a legacy of love, and an example of focusing on the things that matter.
Cut through the clutter, focus, fast, pray, allow yourself to learn from the spirit of God.
Don’t be afraid to go deep. Break the rules that say your worth is measured by your house, and your car and the size of your 401k. Live according to the spirit and experience the joy of being a true rebel.

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
The Secret of Prayer and Fasting
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Fasting is a core principle of scripture that often get’s forgotten in our seeker-centered church world. Fasting is a denial of your worldly appetites. And it’s not just food. It could be from the internet, from swearing, from many other bad habits and preoccupations, you name it. Fasting is an exercise that conditions us to tame our base instincts, so we can learn to listen to and follow God. In a way, it teaches us to love.

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Finding Meaning In Life's Muddle
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Focus requires goals and direction. Long-term focus requires goals and direction we find deeply meaningful. Simplicity is the thing that allows us to eliminate distractions and have available the energy to move towards our goals.
Our daily battle is against the noise of life, and avoiding a feeling of muddling or going through the motions. What do we do if those goals aren’t so clear?
Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Discovering purpose begins with loving God.
In the midst of life that can make us feel like we are being swept away, prayer and fasting can help center your soul and focus your mind on the core of what matters, loving god, each other, and ultimately ourselves in way of humility.